lundi 22 novembre 2021

Un jour (normal), un livre (bizarre) n°6


2 commentaires:

  1. " Georgiana Peacher, PhD, is an accomplished author of poetry, plays, and non-fiction.

    Her most recent book, Scriabin Mysterium, is a prose poem based on the life of composer, Alexander Scriabin.
    She wrote the book while living at Thornton Oaks, and is currently working on a series of essay poems on the various parts of the body.

    Another prose poem, Mary Stuart’s Ravishment Descending Time, was published by TriQuarterly at Northwestern University, in 1976.
    Georgiana also produced a limited edition illuminated version of the book, a copy of which can be found at the Museum of Modern Art.

    Her How to Improve Your Speaking Voice, published by Frederick Fell, draws on her career as a voice pathologist, and is still in print after more than 40 years. "

  2. L'avez vous lu ce bizarre livre , depuis novembre nous aurions pu y goûter puisqu'il parait rare mais à vous rien n'échappe . Je serais ravie d'un accès à la version enluminée, sûrement est-ce trop rêver. Et sinon, quoi de neuf?
